Sunday, April 20, 2008

Student Loan Checks Start To Bounce

Reading the news today, like everyday, I have to have my news fix. I came across an interesting article on The article is on student loans starting to bounce! The title surprised me. I know this country is in a heap of financial troubles; however, I thought student loans would not be a problem, for some reason. The thought of a student loan bouncing is not something I want to think about. Being a long term college student, I like to think about the security of my education from time to time. Everyone should think and plan things out ahead. I will be fine, God willing, my finances will be there when I need them; however, if someone does not get the monetary system under control, almost no one will have a secure education, or life for that matter.

Just thought I would scream this out in my blog. Maybe someone who is "important" and cares about education will step up with a solution... The world may never know...


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