Friday, January 04, 2008

Ron Paul! Who is Ron Paul!?!

I have come close to making my mind up on the presidential elections. Ron Paul is the man who seems like he could run this country well. I believe Ron Paul will hold up his words and be a man of integrity. Ron Paul's idea of eliminating the IRS is a great plan and idea. Our economy would have a major boost because the extra flow of finances into individuals lives. Ron Paul is extreme in his views, however, I believe the US needs someone to shake things up in a good way. We need a president who will dig us out of the whole the US is in.

So at this point I am saying - Vote Ron Paul

!+!SCREAM till your throat is GONE!+!

1 comment:

e. l. wood said...

fred thompson, baby! did you see his performance in the south carolina debate? masterful.